Ace It - IELTS Test Prep
Design challenge of a test preperation application for the IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
Project Overview
Figma, Pencil, Paper
The Challenge
I was given 5 days to propose a new design for a test taking phone application for the IELTS - Listening Module using my experience and understanding of the user experience research and design
The Deliverable
What is IETLS?
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized test designed to check the language ability of people who want to study or work where English is used as the language of communication and is accepted in many academic institutions of major English speaking countries across the world, including Canada, United Kingdom, United States, New Zealand, and even Australia. A test taker takes on average 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete the test.
The test is broken up into four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
The Challenge
As part of a UI design challenge, I was given the following prompt and 5 days to create a test taking application:
“Propose a design for the IELTS - Listening Module while keeping in mind the overall structure and functionality. Design as few screens possible to communicate your idea.”
Lots of Research, Little Time
With only 5 days to submit my design challenge, I was very limited and could not conduct extensive user research as I would normally. Instead, I turned to existing opinions on popular forum sites like reddit to learn about previous experiences people shared while studying for IELTS.
[learnings from forums]
Non-native English speaker
Wants to enroll in a foreign exchange program or acquire an immigration VISA
Competitor Research
I did additional research by downloading the top 3 IELTS practice applications in the Apple App store in 2020. I took note of the user experience in existing IELTS practice applications that seek to prepare individuals who want to self-study and enhance their test taking skills.
IELTS Prep App by SHELL INFRASTRUCTURE does not give anyway way to check answers for each response and the labels for “Tests” on the boxed pages are more accurately described as Exercises.
Space primarily features an ad and remaining space has settings and a list for the parts of the IELTS test
Boxes labeled “Test“ does not show and information as to what these so-called “tests” could entail
Does not offer any checking service to explain the right answers, and the blank spaces are not interactive.
IELTS Listening by AppFx had a better interaction overall since it provided spaces for answers, and also let users review incorrect answers, but it did not allow users to review their answers from the previous sections. Once a section was finished, there was no way to review it and return to the previous.
Instructions on how to interact with the pages of the application
Cannot switch between sections and must fill in spaces by clicking fields on the bottom
Type in an answer while listening in to the audio provided
Receive correct answer, but no explanation to why it is right
IELTS7BAND by Maiva Corporation xyz xyz.
Sections show your tentative band (score) on the selection screen and introductory video
Interact will bubbles to fill-in answer. Allows for pausing of audio, and also shows time remaining for the test taker
Check answers to display correct responses under incorrect fields
It was a struggle trying to figure out how to reach out to IELTS test takers in a short amount of time, so I gathered responses from Reddit and other forums to understand other painpoints they typically had
Review Pronounciation
For confusing words in vocabulary, practice saying word slowly
Listen, read, and write along with an audioclip all the way until it is done
Prepare for Accents
Australian , British, or Canadian accents could be heard during the test, so be prepared
Look Ahead
Don’t look back at old answers, but the next section to prepare for what is next
User Workflow
The workflow for completing the tests were straight forward and mapped below.
Low Fidelity Prototypes
It was a struggle trying to figure out how to reach out to IELTS test takers in a short amount of time, so I gathered responses from Reddit and other forums to understand other painpoints they typically had
Mid Fidelity Prototypes
Design System
Future Considerations
Review Pronounciation
For confusing words in vocabulary, practice saying word slowly
Listen, read, and write along with an audioclip all the way until it is done
Prepare for Accents
Australian , British, or Canadian accents could be heard during the test, so be prepared
Look Ahead
Don’t look back at old answers, but the next section to prepare for what is next
Time Constraints
With more time, I would have been able to reach out to IELTS test takers online to interview and also user test the application with real people
No Audio
It was difficult to design an audio oriented activity without designing the audio itself
Minimize Screens
Ideas were scrapped along the way as they were moreso cosmetic and less necessary for a better user experience
Let’s Ace It!
I finally created an interactive mock exam application focused on the listening section of the IELTS!
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Side Projects
More fun things I do outside of my 9 to 5.